Tuesday, July 18, 2006

India going China way

What a fool I am to think of my country as a place where opinions can be freely expresses. Alas, We are following China here too....Our government has decided to block 17-18 website siting terrorism as a reason (not useless security, administration and spineless politics) for blocking websites including blogspot.

Isn't this crazy, instead of finding ways to thwart terrorism we are using the easier means. Instead of finding people who have been reponsible for the blasts (i don't think anyone will be found this time also, the 1993 blasts do not have a suspect till now), we do such silly stupid activities because of some silly beaurocrat who needs his secratart to find what is 2+2.

I guess it is sad that this blog may not be read from India....Are we no different from China, where there is no respect for Individual freedom. How much will the govt trying to stop.

Read the report in Indiatimes

Peter Griffin, one of the founders of the MumbaiHelp blog, points out that the government’s policy is particularly futile, given the explosion of the blog universe. “Apart from free blogs like blogspot, which is what the government seems to be targeting now, there are also private blogs that anyone can put on their site, and the blogs being run by media organisations like CNN and the Guardian. Is the government going to shut them all down? It would probably be simpler for them to decide to close off the whole Internet and then only allow selected sites the way China seems to be doing. Is this really the way India wants to go?”

Indian bloggers whom I follow regularly like Amit, Gaurav and Kiruba have expressed their dismay and displeasure against this act. Damn those babus.....Damn those peanut brains who run our country. In a way we are responsible as we are electing them to power.