Readers of my blog know that I support a charity organization called Project Why.
Project Why is going through a crisis ---> A matter of life and death
Here is the story verbatim from Anouradha herself
I am sending this mail as a large ditch effort to save a plot of land that came our way by miracle, and then slipped away for reasons we are yet to fathom. (I am copying a few links below that explain the whole saga should you want to know about it.)
Many may wonder why we do not just land go and carry on the way we were. There are two reasons for this behaviour which could seem out of sync with pwhy.
The first is that this piece of land has come to us at an incredibly low price at a time when property rates are soaring with quantum leaps and we know that we will never get another chance like this.
The second is that we believe that the bewildering string of events that brought this land within our reach is a sign of sorts urging us to walk that extra mile we may not have otherwise as the figures were too daunting.
It is a fact that till now we have always grown organically, each leap propelled by a crisis, a human emergency, a humane need and at first glance this sudden desire to acquire land may seem hubristic and bordering megalomania as are we not the ones who shied away from any form of permanency?
We have in no way altered our spirit. The need to have a piece of land stems out of perhaps the most urgent humane need and finds its seed in the very first crisis we responded to and that saw the creation of pwhy. When we held out our hand to Manu we knew t was to be for life. There was no way we could ever accept him having to go back and roam the streets to survive. That is when we knew that Project had to one day become Planet Why.
Along the way many Manus have dropped in our lives, each needing a place to spend their lives in dignity and peace. This piece of land is the first step towards ensuring just that.
Last week we thought the land was ours as we had a loan that gave us one year to seek the needed funds. Then a large part of the loan was taken away from us and our link to the land became tenuous. We needed to raise 10 lacs in a week to be able to buy two months. Yesterday evening another miracle brought that amount to us and we now have 60 days to come up with the remaining amount.
Had this 10 lacs not come our way we may have just tiptoed out. But once again there seemed to be a sign urging us not to give up.
For a project that has lived hand to mouth and whose funding pattern has been a struggle, raising a huge amount in a short time seems impossible. And yet we feel that we have to do it, more so because we know what the plight of the mentally challenged child is in this land.
We write to you today to seek your help as we know that once again this dream will come true just as every other dream of ours with the help of people who can still see with their hearts. Yes the figures are staggering but every little bit that is handed out with love has the ability to transform into unfathomable riches.
We are of course thinking of ways to raise funds and would welcome any suggestions you may have. One of the ideas mooted has been to have a short film competition. This is something we are looking at.
Enclosed is a case for Planet Why. Please pass it on to your friends, set and who knows another miracle will come our way.
As Christoper Reeves So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
Come on Guys. Let us all do our little bit to support this cause. We cannot be like Anouradha. But we can definitely help her in achieving what she wants to achieve.
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