Monday, November 20, 2006

An Indian's bachelor's marriage problem - Part 2

Rule 2: Beware of Old Astrologers in Temples:

I am going to tell you a true story. A story that happened to my bachelor friend. He presently works in the US and had gone back to India for a holiday.

His mom visits a near temple regularly and on that fateful day asked him to come along with her. And there in the temple sits an old astrologer. His mom goes to the astrologer to have a chat.

Amma : Can you pls check my son's horoscope and tell when he will be married. He is not showing any inclination to get married and get settled in life.

Old Astrologer : (checks seriously. gives a smile to his mom and a consipiratory smile to my friend)...Your son should marry only someone whom he likes. He has already seen whom to marry and is hesitant to tell you....

(My friend thinks....I have no one in mind....His mom looks at him...scare in her eyes.....surprise, suspicion, indecision...all pouring out of her face)

Amma : Is that so?

My Friend: No Mom...nothing like that...I don't...

Astrologer : See I told you...He is hesitant to talk about it....

My friend : No Mom...I really don't...

Astrologer : I knew it....I knew it...don't tell me i did not tell you...Only marry him with someone he likes....

My poor friend had to spend a good 4 hours to explain that he is still a perfect bachelor with no commitments....Trust me that is a huge ask...trying to convince a suspicious mother....

My friend had a rant with me about that old astrologer...I reckon given a chance he would have given a piece of his mind to him....Funny isn't it...Trust is not funny for a bachelor when is at his prime,...enjoying his freedom...and doing what he does best....i.e. nothing.....

Moral : If you see an old astrologer in the temple and if you are with your mom...find a reason to avoid him...Not even God can help you if you don't.

(for my non Indian readers : An astrolger serves an important part in Indian marriages. As soon as you are born a horoscope is charted based on the planetory positions. For marriage purposes, the horoscopes of the boy and the girl and matched and checked to see whether they are compatible, whether they can get along with one another, whether they will have a comfortable, sucessful married life. So for any Indian Hindu it is very important to consult with the Astrologer on compatibility. If the chart is not compatible, then you don't marry with the concerned person.)

Read the first part here

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